Sunday, December 6, 2009

Princess and Frog

Summary: This article is talks about the upcoming movie, The Princess and the Frog. It talks at the beginning about how this movie has been under a "microscope" because of accusations that Disney has been racist is movies like Dumbo. In this movie the princess isn't a helpless woman whom always needs to be rescued. According to this article there is a Village Voice article that says part of the reason that the princess  turns into a frog is that if she is a frog the filmmakers don't have to worry to much about race relations, the prince is supposed to be Spanish which apparently some people are mad about because they think he should also be black.

Response: I think that it's a brave move of Disney to have African American princess. But I think that it's a little risky on their part because viewers are inherently going to assume that the filmmakers are white men so if it's bad people are going to get really mad at Disney for not being culturally diverse enough. The article brought up the concern that if the movie doesn't do well in the box office people will assume that the world is not racially accepting enough. Reading this article reminded me of the 6th season where Melinda Doolittle only got 3rd place despite consistently being considered the best, I think that might have been because the majority of Americans are white so Melinda didn't appeal to them as well. I think that this movie's main disadvantage isn't race, but animation style. These days Pixar like animation is becoming more and more popular while traditional animation is becoming less popular. I also find it interesting that this movie takes place in New Orleans instead of some fictional fantasy land. 

One of the reasons that those Mickey Mouse Monopoly people where mad at Disney is that media companies like those are mainly controlled high ranking rich white men. However, the reason we have to read boring books in school is because they are "classics," but the people who decide what a "classic" is are probably smart Ivy League English professors and I imagine the majority of them are white men. Is anyone saying "screw literature stupid white men selected those books," probably not.

Washington Julie. The Princess and the Frog is under a microscope as viewers analyze how Disney portrays its first black heroine. The Princess and the Frog is under a microscope as viewers analyze how Disney portrays its first black heroine Movies - -. 05 Dec, 2009. 06 Dec 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carrie Prejean

Summary: This article is about Perez Hilton criticizing Miss California Miss Prejean for an interview on Larry King where she is promoting her book. In the interview she says that people should never do what they wouldn't want there biggest fans to see. When Larry King asked her if she had any regrets she said that she regrets decisions that she made when she was a teenager and a sex-tape of her was made but she has no regrets relating to the beauty pageant.

Response: I think that people and the media were to mean to Carrie Prejean. To me it seems that she won the California pageant and than they rescinded the award for a political position and than made up an excuse to make it look like they're not politically biased. What interesting about the beauty pageant controversy is that in order to win you don't need to be smart or have good values, and now that there was a contestant with good values and who was willing to stick up for them she loses because of it. But to be fair if Miss Utah was a frontrunner is the Miss USA pageant and she was asked if she supports same-sex marriage and said yes we would probably get really mad and want to rescind her Miss Utah award, although the people at the Miss USA audience would cheer as if they were BYU fans at the end of that 2006 game against The University of Utah. This reminds me of a Simpsons episode where Marge is at some city meeting and she says something like she enjoys being a mother and everyone there boos her.

Fernandez Maria Elena [Updated] Carrie Prejean accuses Larry King of being inapproprate and then fails to walk off his set, Los Angeles Times, 12 Nov. 2009. Web. 15 Nov. 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rush Limbaugh

Summary: Apparently Rush Limbaugh was reading President Obama's thesis frmo Columbia University where President Obama was dissing the constitution and being critical of the founding fathers. What's funny is that what he was reading was not the president's thesis, a satire from a humor blog and he took it seriously. (I am proud to say that I as well have a humor blog) Rush Limbaugh did not apologize.

Response: To me Limbaugh seems to be behaving like a little kid.  It seems all political comedians do is find as many ways to criticize the opposite party and they behave totally rudely there not open minded and they don't apologize. I really wish those political people were more open minded and fair because then they would be more interesting to listen to. That fact that he was reading something from a humor blog makes me wonder two things. First of all, where is he getting his information, this makes me think that he just googles stuff all day to look for stuff that he can use without caring about wether or not it's credible. Second, how smart is he, if someone takes a satire seriously it makes me question how smart their reasoning is, it also makes me wonder how smart that blogger is because if he can make a satire that someone takes seriously than he's probably really smart.

This story doesn't seem to have gotten m too much attention so it makes me wonder if maybe this is a hoax. It would be quite embarrassed if it was.

Saul Michael "Limbaugh falls for Obama thesis hoax - but is in no Rush to apologize" Limbaugh falls for Obama thesis hoax - but is in no Rush to apologize Daily News 25 Oct. 2009 01 Nov. 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fox News

Summary: This article by the LA times talks about how President Obama and his advisors are trying to tell news networks to shun Fox. It also talks about how people think they should be entertained by all sorts of things including the news which is part of the reason that John Stewarts's and Stephen Colbert's shows are so popular.

Response: I don't think it's right for the Obama administration to attack Fox. I think that Fox may be ridiculously biased against against his administration but there is still media that is ridiculously biased for him and it seems to me that he just ignores it and says they're not affiliated with each-other; There is always ridiculously biased media against and for every administration, it's not immoral, it's just how the system works.

This is a little unrelated but I think it's interesting how about a year ago during election night they kept saying that either candidate still might win even when declared Ohio for Obama, almost every president won Ohio, and then when Obama finally got to half of the votes they were calling it "landslide," it was not a landslide, they just said that because it helps the ratings.

Rutten Time. Obama's misguided Fox hunt. Obama's misguided Fox hunt -- Los Angeles Times. 23 Oct. 2009. Web. 25 Oct 2009.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Office wedding

Summary: On Thursday NBC aired an episode of the office where Jim and Pam finally got married and apparently a lot of online reviewers said that it was a great episode, one of the best and that it deserves Emmy nominations.

My response: I think this episode was kind of funny but I think I was pretty disappointed. My hope was that the marriage between Jim and Pam would be an awesome two hour series finale, partly because now that they are married the viewers have less to care about, although considering that Pam is pregnant I'd actually be mad if they hadn't gotten married. I think the reason that people praised the episode so much is that Pam and Jim getting married has been so anticipated that they wanted to tell people it was a good episode even though it wasn't that good, maybe Michael getting married will the awesome two hour series finale, but hopefully not to Pam's mom.

LA Times can The Office wedding episode catch Emmy Bouquet? Can The office wedding episode catch Emmy bouquet? Gold Derby Los Angeles Times - Windows Internet Explorer 9 Oct 2009. 11 Oct 2009.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Michael Jackson movie

So, apparently there is a movie coming out called "Michael Jackson: This Is It." The studio is going to have a few advance showing with three thousand tickets and those three thousand tickets were sold in two hours to people that had lined up three days in advance. Over the past few months people are wondering if the media is focusing to much on Michael Jackson, on saturday there was some datline documentary on NBC about him and I think I remember there like a zillion other tv documentaries, I think the world and media is more focused on his death than it ever was on the virginia tech shooting victims. I don't think it's a fault of our day and age that there is some heavy coverage, I think the first day or two after he died it was almost all that CNN talked about and I think that's fine. I still seems like all the grocery store magazines have some well done tribute to him and they all look like they're the official one. I think that my biggest problem with media coverage is that when his family finally got around to burying him all these helicopters with reporters were trying to get coverage of it and his brother said it ruined the service for Michael's family and close friends, when the media invades your personal lives like that it has defiantly gone to far.

Associated Press. Jackson sneak peek screenings sell out in 2 hours. Sep. 2009. Sep. 2009.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

American idol

A few weeks ago american idol announced that it was hiring a new judge to replace Paula Abdul named Ellen Degeneres. I saw a poll saying that about 58% think that this will make the show better and only about 28% think it will make the show worse. I think one of the reasons people think she will be a good judge is that she's nothing like Paula, I agree that this is a good thing because if they had tried to find a new Paula archetype that would've been kind of lame in my opinion.
I don't really have a problem with Ellen but I really don't think they should even have four judges. What I thought was really disappointing about last season was that during the top 5 the contestants only did one song instead of two songs like in previous years and in the top 3 the contestants only did two songs instead of three. I really think hiring Kara as a fourth judge was a mistake, not because there's anything wrong with Kara, but because people don't watch American Idol for it's excellent judging abilities, but because people like music, sure you want some judging but ultimately more performances is better than a fourth opinion.
The poll also said that women were more favourable about Degeneres than men, it makes me wonder if there is some subconscious sexism like there may be some subconscious racism with people that are critical of Obama.
This is unrelated but if you type Obama in the text-field it's underlined in red, I think it happens on facebook too, I guess the internet is racist, then again "facebook" is underlined in red on blogspot and facebook text fields as well.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tina fey emmy

I was just looking at the media news and it said that Tina Fey won an guest actress emmy for her role a Sarah Palin. It was kinda freaky because just a few minutes ago I was thinking it would be interesting if she won the emmy so I must be psychic.
Her skits were pretty funny, infact they were so funny that I thought SNL must be a show worth watching from begining to end, but then a few weeks later I started watching an episode and it was pretty dumb.
I think she deserved the SNL guest actress emmy but her show 30 Rock was also nominated for 22 emmys and it will probably win a lost of them. I've seen a few episodes of 30 Rock and it's not that funny and I don't see why criticly succesfull. 30 Rock is an NBC show about an SNL sort of tv show on NBC, my theory is that one of the reasons it's so critically succesfull and why it gets so many nominations is that the people who write reviews and what shows get emmy work in a simaller workforce to that of the show so they can relate to it and see the humor, infact the article I just read said she defended her other wins so maybe some people agree with me. I think another reason it gets so many emmy nominations is that a lot of these nomination (about 5 I think) are for guest actor/actress, the show gets all of these famous actor and comedians to guest star and because they're good actors they get nominated, but like I said earlier, these famous actors can really relate to the plot of the show so they like to guest star on it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Transformers 2 opinion

There is a website called metacritic were you can look at various reviews of movies, TV, books, music, and video games. What's cool about the site is that it shows a score of many different well known sources and than it averages them out, so you can see the average opinion as well as how mixed the opinions are.
Anyway the reviews were generally negative and I heard that one of the reasons that critics didn't like it is that they felt it didn't have any storyline, they may have a point but my response to that opinion is "so what if it doesn't."
Transformers in my opinions if the sort of movie that doesn't really need a great storyline or fantastic acting, it's the kind of movie that needs action and cool affects and that's what it had and you shouldn't have expected that much more.
Although I also believe if there was a movie that had the special affects and action of transformers and a well developed storyline that kept you guessing it would be the most awesome movie of the year.
Peter Travers of Rolling Stone magazine gave it 0/4 stars and said "Transformers 2 has a shot at the title Worst Movie of the Decade."
I highly doubt that this could possibly be the worst movie of the decade, in my opinion it falls somewhere between fair and good.