Many people are asking if the trade of Bowe Bergdahl for 5 members of the Taliban was worth it. The polls I've seen say more say no than yes but it's not a majority. Here's what I think.
John McCain has referred to these guys are "the hardest of the hard-core." Each of these guys has there own wikipedia page and their descriptions show that they are pretty high ranking. If these guys were five henchmen who threw their hands up in the air when a black ops team invaded and took over the compound of their big bad boss it would be very questionable if the trade was worth it. But these are not henchmen, these guys are the big bad bosses.
To me this trade seems like a game of chess where you gain a pawn or bishop at the expense of your opponent getting 5 queens. It is worth it if your a move away from being able to use that piece for a checkmate. Maybe that's the case but public doesn't have a way of knowing so. I'm a big fan of 24 so I'm inclined to speculate that there's more to this trade than what meets the eye and that perhaps what the United States has really gained is much more than one Sergeant. From what I understand it's been said that he was a deserter and sort of went AWOL. I kind of wonder if he was doing some top secret mission. Who knows. But in my opinion, there is no way that trade was worth it based off of the information available on the surface.
John McCain has referred to these guys are "the hardest of the hard-core." Each of these guys has there own wikipedia page and their descriptions show that they are pretty high ranking. If these guys were five henchmen who threw their hands up in the air when a black ops team invaded and took over the compound of their big bad boss it would be very questionable if the trade was worth it. But these are not henchmen, these guys are the big bad bosses.
To me this trade seems like a game of chess where you gain a pawn or bishop at the expense of your opponent getting 5 queens. It is worth it if your a move away from being able to use that piece for a checkmate. Maybe that's the case but public doesn't have a way of knowing so. I'm a big fan of 24 so I'm inclined to speculate that there's more to this trade than what meets the eye and that perhaps what the United States has really gained is much more than one Sergeant. From what I understand it's been said that he was a deserter and sort of went AWOL. I kind of wonder if he was doing some top secret mission. Who knows. But in my opinion, there is no way that trade was worth it based off of the information available on the surface.