I have a few questions for your organizations.A few minutes later this is what they said.
Full-time missionary work is a priesthood responsibility and your organization seeks to have women ordained to that priesthood.
What I'm curious about is this. Do you think that latter day saint girls should be expected to serve full time missions like the young men are? If so, do you view an lds girl who doesn't serve a mission the same way you would view an lds boy who does not serve a mission? Do you believe that the mission duration for young women needs to be 24 months like it is for the young men?
This organization has many returned missionaries (men and women) who support the cause, and you are welcome to read their profiles and hear for yourself what they have to say!They completely did not answer my question. Earlier this year I had a chance to ask congressmen Matheson a question about the debt ceiling and the government shutdown and he didn't really answer my question either but he at least addressed the issue. Whereas the Ordain Women organization said basically nothing. At least not yet.
Perhaps they are dodging the question because they don't have a good answer. Perhaps the feel this question highlights the error of their cause. But I think more likely than not they did not answer the question because whoever sits at the computer and answers the emails is not really interested in answering questions. Maybe said person doesn't have discretion to speak for the organization. Which weird because that's exactly what they are assigned to do. The best I can hope for is that someone in the organization will take later take a look at the question.
What I find to be odd is that they seemed to think it was important that they respond to my email quickly, but they didn't seem to think that it was important that they answer my question.
Another possibility is that person who sent that email known that there is a profile on their website that answers my question perfectly and they want me to find the answer for myself through those means.
Theres other things I'd like to ask them but I don't know if they'll bother to answer.
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