Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How much wood could a woodchuck cuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

Let me start out by saying that I realize that by even trying to analyze this I am looking way to into this.

Nevertheless, let me say that this is a stupid question that does not deserve any pondering.

Woodchucks do not chuck wood, so there is no way to tell how much wood it could chuck if it could chuck wood. This is like saying, "How many papers could a lava lamp write if a lava lamp could write papers." How in the world are you supposed to figure that out. You can not give lava lamps paper writing abilities any more than you can give woodchucks wood chucking abilities.

But really, I realize that this is just a tongue twister and not a mystery of the universe, but I feel like it's been to long since I posted something here.