Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fox News

Summary: This article by the LA times talks about how President Obama and his advisors are trying to tell news networks to shun Fox. It also talks about how people think they should be entertained by all sorts of things including the news which is part of the reason that John Stewarts's and Stephen Colbert's shows are so popular.

Response: I don't think it's right for the Obama administration to attack Fox. I think that Fox may be ridiculously biased against against his administration but there is still media that is ridiculously biased for him and it seems to me that he just ignores it and says they're not affiliated with each-other; There is always ridiculously biased media against and for every administration, it's not immoral, it's just how the system works.

This is a little unrelated but I think it's interesting how about a year ago during election night they kept saying that either candidate still might win even when declared Ohio for Obama, almost every president won Ohio, and then when Obama finally got to half of the votes they were calling it "landslide," it was not a landslide, they just said that because it helps the ratings.

Rutten Time. Obama's misguided Fox hunt. Obama's misguided Fox hunt -- Los Angeles Times. 23 Oct. 2009. Web. 25 Oct 2009.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Office wedding

Summary: On Thursday NBC aired an episode of the office where Jim and Pam finally got married and apparently a lot of online reviewers said that it was a great episode, one of the best and that it deserves Emmy nominations.

My response: I think this episode was kind of funny but I think I was pretty disappointed. My hope was that the marriage between Jim and Pam would be an awesome two hour series finale, partly because now that they are married the viewers have less to care about, although considering that Pam is pregnant I'd actually be mad if they hadn't gotten married. I think the reason that people praised the episode so much is that Pam and Jim getting married has been so anticipated that they wanted to tell people it was a good episode even though it wasn't that good, maybe Michael getting married will the awesome two hour series finale, but hopefully not to Pam's mom.

LA Times can The Office wedding episode catch Emmy Bouquet? Can The office wedding episode catch Emmy bouquet? Gold Derby Los Angeles Times - Windows Internet Explorer 9 Oct 2009. 11 Oct 2009.